7 Cheap Foods for Weight Loss

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You might know the basics of eating healthy on a budget, and these include cooking at home as much as possible, buying certain foods in bulk and buying foods when they are in season .

But there seems to be this belief that to eat healthy, you have to buy expensive food. But this is not true! You just have to know what to buy to save and lose some pounds at the same time.

While it is true that certain healthy foods are more expensive, some unhealthy foods can be just as expensive, if not more so. But for the most part, you can consume a healthy diet and stick to your budget at the same time.

Below are 7 budget foods, that are healthy for you and can help you lose weight, too.

7 Cheap Foods for Weight Loss
budget foods for weight loss / pixabay

7 Foods to Help You Lose Weight on a Budget:

1. Apples

Consuming an a.pple daily will not only keep the doctor away, but it will also keep your body weight under control.Budget

Apples are low in calories and are a rich source of fiber, which means your stomach stays satisfied for much longer and prevents you from overeating. Also, the antioxidants that are present in apples may give a boost to your metabolism, which is essential to get rid of stored fat.

Apples also contain other important nutrients which includes B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Also, they contain no fat or cholesterol and are low in calories.

A study that was published in 2003 in Nutrition reported that apples may help contribute to weight loss.

If you feel hungry in between meals, grab an apple. As most of the nutrients in apple are present under the skin, it is a good idea to eat apples with the skin.

2. Canned Tuna

Just 1 can of tuna contains about 28g of protein, 120 calories and can cost $1 or less. This makes canned tuna a perfect lean protein source and a superb value.

You can also try other canned fish, such as salmon, for variety. also, make sure to rotate canned tuna in and out of your diet to reduce your risks linked with mercury.

3. Green Tea

Green tea is a low-cost beverage that is filled with nutritional benefits, according to researchers. It is the healthiest thing you can think of to drink, according to Christopher Ochner, PhD. as mentioned in >Web MD.

Green tea contains polyphenols such as catechins and flavonoids, which function as powerful antioxidants. Also, it contains the amino acid L-theanine, which can help in reducing anxiety and improving brain function.

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In some studies, green tea has been reported to boost metabolism and help people burn fat.

4. Greek Yogurt

Another healthy breakfast option is Greek yogurt. Did you know that buying a container of yogurt will not cost much?

Greek yogurt contains probiotic bacteria which can help in improving the functioning of your gut, and in turn protects against leptin resistance and inflammation, the main hormonal driver of obesity.

Also, the high protein present in yogurt can help you feel full longer, therefore warding off hunger by keeping your blood sugar levels steady. The high amount of calcium that is presemt in Greek yogurt also supports the process of weight loss.

A 2003 study conducted by the University of Tennessee reported that consuming 3 servings of yogurt a day can increase fat loss.

Also, the protein content in Greek yogurt causes increased fullness, reduced hunger and delayed subsequent eating, according to a 2013 study that was published in Appetite.

5. Legumes

Chickpeas, beans, lentils, are one of the best price per nutrient values out there. Legumes such as beans goes well in soups, salads or even dips. This provides copious amounts of both carbs and protein.

Legumes offer a great value and easily satisfy macronutrient requirements. But, be wary though, nutritional value will vary depending on your specific legume of choice.

6. Oatmeal

Oatmeal contains many benefits if you want to eat healthy on the budget. It is filling, filled with fiber, and also heart healthy.

But, remember this, avoid oatmeal with added sugar or instant oatmeal. Also, instead of adding sugar to your oatmeal, you can try adding honey, or spices such as nutmeg or cinnamon to give it flavor.

Oatmeal also contains 4.6 grams of Resistant Starch as per Health Magazine.

7. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain many wonderfulhealth benefits. They contain about 15% of vitamin B6 , 37% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin A, and are loaded in fiber and potassium . Also, sweet potatoes contain manganese, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, copper, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin and phosphorus.

But how can sweet potatoes help you loose weight? Sweet potatoes are nutrient-dense, they can help you feel fuller much longer. As long as you do not load them down with sugar and butter, but instead choose some coconut oil or cinnamon, sweet potatoes are a perfect part of a trim diet.

Read More:
1. Top 10 Fruits for Faster Weight Loss
2. Okra: For Diabetes and Weight Loss
3. The Secret to Weight Loss Is In This Easy Smoothie Hack

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