How to Make Prune Juice for Colon Cancer Prevention, Heart and Liver Health

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Prune juice is known for easing constipation, but its benefits do not stop there. Prune juice contains a wide array of health benefits. It is a common mistake that prune is its own specific fruit. A prune is the dried version of any type of plum.

There are many various types of plums, ranging in texture, color, and taste. These all come from the Prunus family. And this is where the name prune was derived from. Relatives of the plum include peaches, nectarines, and almonds.

Drinking prune juice is only 1 way of consuming these fruits.

Health Benefits of Prune Juice:

1. Bone Health

Prune juice is not just good for your organs, it is also good for your bones, too. Upon testing in cases particular to postmenopausal bone health, prune juice stopped “bone turnover”, or the process of reabsorption and new bone growth from escalating to too-high levels, reversed bone loss by changing the metabolism, prevented bone loss, and increased antioxidant activity within the bones.

2. Fights Colon Cancer

A study that was published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, reported a significant effect of prune juice on colon cancer cells.

Prune juice, completely stopped the growth of 1 common colon cancer and induced apoptosis or cell death in those cells. Therefore, it may be a natural cancer treatment for at least 1 type of cancer.

3. Helps in Digestion and Treats Constipation

Prune juice is known to help in stimulating the digestive system. If you are suffering from indigestion or constipation, 1 glass of prune juice, can often get things moving again.

The dietary fiber present in prune juice, together with the presence of sorbitol, can help in stimulating the digestive process and in improving nutrient uptake in the gut. Also, this helps ensure no incidence of hemorrhoids among those individuals who regularly consume prune juice.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure

Scientists have reported that consuming prunes and drinking prune juice can significantly help in reducing blood pressure. A 2010 study reported that blood pressure was reduced in groups that were given prunes everyday.

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5. Liver Health

Another amazing benefit prune juice and other plum products can offer is a protection against diseases of the liver.

In an 8-week study, researchers reported an improvement in liver function after introducing whole prunes and prune juice into their diet. 2 markers of liver function were greatly improved, including alanine aminotransferase, that is released in large quantities into the blood when the liver is diseased or damaged.

6. Heart Health

The antioxidants that are present in Prune juice helps in lowering your cholesterol levels, therefore preventing coronary heart diseases. Also, the potassium content present in prune juice promotes over-all long-term heart health.

While, its high content of vitamin K helps in improving heart health through the prevention of the calcification of arteries.

7. Reduces Cholesterol

Rich in soluble fiber and antioxidants, prune juice helps in reducing LDL or bad cholesterol in your body, therefore preventing atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is caused by the accumulation of cholesterol and fat in the arteries, which turn into plaque. Excess cholesterol in your body can also led to hypertension, heart failure, and strokes.

How to Make Prune Juice?

Prune Juice Recipe:


5 cups water
1 cup Dried prunes
Apple or pear

1. Remove the seeds or pits from prunes.
2. Soak the prunes in boiled water for overnight.
3. Remove them from the boiled water after 12-15 hours and then blend them.
4. Add water to the crushed and juiced prunes.
5. Top with some lime, and serve cold.

Dr. Axe

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photo credit: livestrong

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