7 Top Benefits of Buckwheat

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Buckwheat belongs to the food group known as pseudocereals. Pseudocereals are seeds that are eaten in the same way as cereal grains, but it does not grow on grasses. Other common pseudocereals include amaranth and quinoa.

Buckwheat is not related to wheat, despite its name, and is therefore gluten-free. It is processed into flour, noodles, groats, or used in buckwheat tea. The groats can be used in the same way as rice. These are the main ingredient in many traditional Asian and European dishes.

Buckwheat has become popular and is known as a health food in many countries, due to its high amounts of antioxidant and minerals. Also, it has been shown to provide health benefits and below are the health benefits of buckwheat.

7 Top Benefits of Buckwheat
buckwheat health benefits / pixabay

Health Benefits of Buckwheat:

1. Buckwheat Contains Important Minerals and Vitamins

Buckwheat flours and groats contains good source minerals such as magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc and folate and energy-boosting B vitamins. Also, buckwheat contains magnesium which can help in muscle recovery and growth, help improve digestion and defend against stress’ or the negative impacts on the body.

Manganese, B vitamins, zinc and phosphorus all help with healthy circulation and blood vessel function, also these are needed for neurotransmitter signaling in the brain that fights anxiety, depression and headaches.

2. Buckwheat is a Low-Calorie Food

Buckwheat is loaded in inositol, which makes this a low-calorie but well-balanced food. Buckwheat helps lower fat accumulation and can maintain your body’s metabolic rate.

3. Buckwheat Helps Prevent the Spread of Cancer

In a study extracts from Buckwheat were found to inhibit proliferation of leukemia cells, hepatoma cells and breast cancer cells.

4. Buckwheat Can Help Prevent Diabetes

Compared to other whole grains and carbohydrates, buckwheat is low on glycemic index. The complex carbohydrates present in buckwheat nutrition are absorbed into the bloodstream slowly, which can help you to feel full for longer and support sustainable energy. This helps in fighting imbalances in blood sugar levels, which can lead to fatigue, inflammation and even diabetes or metabolic syndrome.

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Research reported that when diabetic patients ate buckwheat over a 2-month period, improvements were reported in blood sugar control and reduced insulin resistance without any form of medication.

5. Buckwheat is a Good Source of High-quality Proteins

Buckwheat makes an excellent meat substitute. This high protein buckwheat flour is being studied for its possible use in foods to help reduce body fat, plasma cholesterol and cholesterol gallstones.

6. Buckwheat Helps Improve Heart Health

It improves heart health by lowering blood pressure levels and cholesterol. In clinical studies, reports suggested that buckwheat can help in lowering inflammation and unhealthy cholesterol levels, while helping in preventing heart disease. Buckwheat nutrition intake is linked with lower serum total cholesterol levels, and it decreases levels of LDL or bad cholesterol, while increasing HDL “good” cholesterol.

Rutin, a phytonutrient that is present in buckwheat, is an essential antioxidant for cardiovascular health. This phytonutrient helps support the circulatory system and helps fight high cholesterol and blood pressure, as does the high fiber content of buckwheat.

7. Buckwheat Prevents Skin Damage

Vitamin B is perfect for your hair, skin, nails and can also lower skin damage caused by sun exposure and other environmental factors. Also, buckwheat contains niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, pantothenic acid and folate that help prevent skin damage.

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