9 Surprising Things That Lead to Heart Disease

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You know that too little exercise and a bad diet can hurt your ticker. But, there are many of sneaky sources of heart disease that you may not be aware of.

Below are some things you need to know about, and heart-smart ways to help you keep healthy.

What is Heart Disease?

Heart disease sometimes called coronary heart disease (CHD). It’s the leading cause of death among adults in the United States.

Learning about the risk factors and causes of the disease may help you avoid heart problems.

Surprising Things That Hurt Your Heart:

1. A Short Fuse

You are almost 5x more likely to have a heart attack after you have been angry. In the 2 hours after an angry outburst, the chance of a stroke or racing heartbeat goes up, too.

You cannot always control or avoid what sets you off, therefore, find a way to deal with your anger in the moment. If it happens often, consider an anger management therapy or class to lower your long-term risk of heart trouble.

2. Belly Fat

Any extra weight is difficult on your heart, but the kind around your midsection is especially dangerous. This may trigger your body to make hormones and other chemicals that can raise your blood pressure and have a bad effect on your cholesterol levels and blood vessels.

If you are a woman and your waist is more than 35 inches around, or 40 inches if you are a man, talk to your doctor about an exercise and diet plan. Research showed that short bursts of high-intensity exercise and yoga are great ways to whittle your middle.

3. Dental Problems

Need that extra motivation to floss and brush every day? People with gum disease aremuch more likely to have heart disease, too. The connection is not clear, but some experts think bacteria from your gums may move into your bloodstream, therefore, leading to other heart problems and inflammation of the blood vessels.

See your dentist every 6 months for regular checkups. Also, make an appointment right away if you spot soreness or redness on your gums, or changes in your teeth.

4. Kids

Parents have a greater chance of getting heart disease, and the odds went up slightly with each child. Because that is true for both sexes, biology probably is not behind it.

But, women who get their first period before they are 12 or have stop having periods before they are 47 are more likely to have a stroke as well as heart disease. Also, a woman’s risk goes up if she’s had her ovaries or uterus removed or had a miscarriage.

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5. Loneliness

When you spend time with loved ones, it reduces stress and helps you stay active. Lonely people may be more likely to have heart disease.

If you are not near close friends or family, get connected by adopting a dog or cat, or helping someone in need. Also, dog owners and Volunteers might enjoy better heart health and live longer, too.

6. Long Hours at Work

More people who work for at least 55 hours per week have heart disease as compared to those who work 35-40 hours. This could be the result of a number of things: more sitting, more stress, perhaps drinking more alcohol, for example. You may brush off signs of trouble and put off consulting your doctor.

If you tend to stay late, it is especially important for you to take care of yourself to avoid stroke and heart disease.

7. Migraine

We are not sure why, but you are more likely to have chest pain, a stroke, and heart attacks when you get migraines, especially with auras. If heart disease runs in your family or you have had a stroke or heart problems, you may not want to take medicines called triptans for your migraines, as these narrow your blood vessels.

Consult your doctor about the best way to treat and control your headaches.

8. Shift Work

Working irregular hours or at might raises your risk of a heart attack, according to a recent study from Western University in Canada.

According to researchers shift work has a bad impact on the body’s circadian rhythm (or what is known as your “internal clock”), and they think that harms your heart. Therefore, if you do not work regular day hours, take extra ways to lower your risk of heart disease: Eat a balanced diet, exercise, and see your doctor for regular checkups.

9. Snoring

If your partner says you regularly snore or you sound like you are gasping for air while sleeping, you should see your doctor. You might have a serious condition known as apnea.

This can happen when your airway is partially blocked, and it causes you to have pauses in your breathing. The disorder is associated with an irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart failure and strokes. Treatments can help lower your risk for heart disease and help you breathe easier, too.

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