How Can Daily Naps Improve Health and Well-Being

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How Can Daily Naps Improve Health and Well-BeingCats and babies seem to know the relevance of taking naps daily. Unfortunately, adults have long forgotten its relevance and how naps can have positive impact on health and well-being.

Working all day and constantly pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion is at times a necessity for millions of people. Our days are extremely hectic that we forget the fact that enjoying naps in the middle of the day can actually help in improving our general health and wellness. That midday shut-eye is essential, and in this article we will give you all the more reasons to make time for this activity.

While sneaking a little shut-eye are frowned upon by many adults, studies reveal that regular napping is actually an activity that is highly beneficial to both body and mind. Unfortunately, those who are given the chance to nap- toddlers and pre-schoolers take advantage of it, while the rest of us are denied the peace and relaxation that it delivers.

When you think about it, it actually makes sense to nap. Majority of adults feel drowsy in the middle of the day. During this time, stretching out for just a few minutes is a fantastic idea. Research even backs up the health and wellness benefits of napping.

Nappig has physical and mental benefits similar to that delivered by laughing. Not only does napping feel great, it does offer a multitude of health benefits when practiced on a daily basis.

  • Improves Cognitive Function

We are all aware of the fact that inadequate sleep at night makes it difficult for us to have a great and productive day the morning after. And just like sleeping, napping also impacts that manner by which learn, accumulate information, and retain cognitive abilities.

Taking a 60 to 90-minute nap is proven to sharpen cognitive function as well as boost mental performance for up to 24 hours afterwards.

  • Improve Cardiovascular Health

A study conducted by the Harvard School of Medicine reveals that people who regularly nap are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular issues later in life.

Napping makes up for lack of sleep in the evenings which can then wreak havoc to the heart and other important parts of the cardiovascular system. Typically a regular nap should be made at least thrice a week for at least 30 minutes daily.

  • Reduce Stress and Anxiety

The feeling of exhaustion and tiredness result in stress- a condition that can make you feel even more tired altogether. According to studies, napping successfully reverse this condition, and even soothes you right at times when stress attacks.

A study conducted in 2012 reveal that at least three stress hormones signifcantly increase when participants are unable to nap, result in the development of more health-damaging stress.

Napping is especially important among men, since they are more likely to develop stress-related health issues than women.

  • Manage Hunger Pangs

When you are exhausted and craving energy, it makes sense that the body automatically starts feeling hunger. This makes way for chances to eat unhealthy, junk foods than you plan to. This condition can lead to a number of health issues. Napping is a great alternative to snacking, as short naps can improve energy storss and even stop people from thinking about food altogether. A short but satisfying 1-0 to 15-minute nap will successfully get rid of your food cravings altogether.

  • Improve Physical Performance
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Napping may seem to be the opposite of physical activities, but studies tell us how athletes who take regular naps are well and able to perform better on the field, as their motor functions, skills, and speed are increased with it.

How to Get Enjoy Better Naps

  • Set a timer

Depending on your usual needs and activities, a nap typically ranges between five to 45 minutes. Reports tell us that people don’t like 30-minute naps. To know what is the ideal nap duration for you, experiment by setting different times until you find a duration that suits you best. A timer will help you in getting up on time so you can still be productive the rest of the day.

  • Nap in the afternoon

According to studies, early afternoon is the best time to take that much-needed nap. It is the perfect time of day as it is usually after you’ve had lunch. Napping too late in the afternoon can mess up your sleep at night. On the other hand, napping to early might not be productive as well as this may not help you last for the rest of the day.

  • Choose the right conditions for napping

The best place to take that nap is in a cool, dim area. Ideally, the place shouldn’t be too dark as this may induce deep sleep. It’s also ideal to nap in a place that is slightly cooler than your working area. Use a blanket to keep out excess chill or cold. It’s also ideal to keep the head elevated like on the arm of a couch.

  • Have accessories for napping

Napping needs to have accessories to in order to make it the perfect short nap. You will need your cellphone timer to set the alarm. A cup of coffee or tea is recommended to be taken before taking a nap. Make sure to use a sleep mask, especially if you are napping in a bright area.

Set your timer and drink your coffee afterwards. The caffeine will only kick in upon waking up, thus making it easy for you to be on the go.

A pencil is a good idea to be placed in between your fingers. Once your fingers slowly relax, you’ll instantly wakeup when the pencil hits the floor.

  • Get adequate amounts of sleep

Sleep is not a luxury but a necessity instead. It is just as important to health and wellness as water and food. Unfortunately, people don’t get enough of it. Consister this statistic:

48% of Americans say they suffer from sleep deprivation- but only 34% are able to nap on a regular basis.

So with these facts and tips, rethink on how you sleep.

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