The Pros and Cons of Food Supplements

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The Pros and Cons of Food SupplementsDietay or food supplements are often taken to boost one’s health by providing you with additional vitamins and minerals that may not be present in the food that you eat regularly. However, there is a danger that you might consume more of these vitamins or minerals than what is recommended which can pose a health risk to you. Most people take multivitamins every day to ensure that they’re getting certain nutrients in their system but as with any medication, it is important that you consult your doctor first especially when you have some health issues already.

Advantages of Taking Food Supplements

Since many people take food supplements at one point in their lives, many are wondering whether this practice can actually do them good. So what advantages do supplements have?

  • Combat chronic diseases. It’s true that we can get vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients from the food that we eat but not all of us are getting the required amount on a daily basis. Taking supplements can help boost the nutrients in our body to provide us protection against chronic diseases like heart problems, stomach ailments, and the like.
  • It can boost overall performance. Another advantage to taking food supplements is that you can actually get a boost in your overall performance. Athletes often take supplements when training not only for their endurance but also for muscular strength.
  • Adds nutrients. Like it was mentioned before, relying on the food that we alone may not guarantee that we are getting the required nutrients. Taking supplements, on the other hand, ensures that our body will receive some of the more essential nutrients that are not found in our diet.
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The Downside of Supplements

Although taking food supplements does have its benefits, there are still some downsides to it that you should be aware of. Among these are:

  • They may not be dependable. Unlike other medications that are regulated, many supplements being sold today aren’t closely monitored. With this being said, the supplement that you may be taking may not be as effective as the ones being recommended by your physician so take heed of your supplement choices.
  • They can be toxic. Another downside to taking supplements is you might overdose yourself. Too much vitamins in your system can cause some serious side effects like liver problem, heart attacks and the like.
  • They can trigger side effects. Taking supplements without consulting your physician can cause various side effects especially when you’re already taking other medications. Nausea, dizziness, and even erratic heartbeat may occur if your supplements are in conflict with the medication that you are taking.

To Use or Not to Use

It is understandable that you will feel a bit confused as to whether you should take supplements to ensure that you are receiving enough nutrients in your body but if you want to avoid suffering from side effects or being at risk of exposing yourself to toxicity because of overdosing in supplement intake, it is always best to consult your physician at all times.

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